Design Thinking
Design thinking emphasizes
- brainstorming,
- quick iterations,
- experimentation,
- and short deadlines.
At a high level, the steps involved in the design thinking process are simple:
- first, fully understand the problem;
- second, explore a wide range of possible solutions;
- third, iterate extensively through prototyping and testing;
- and finally, implement through the customary deployment mechanisms.
EDLE - Business
- Desafio e Oportunidade
- CompreensĂŁo de Valor
- Geração de ideia
- CompreensĂŁo de Valor
- Teste, hipĂłtese
- Criação de Valor
- Prototipação
- Criação de Valor
- Business Modeling
- Entrega de Valor
- Valor como pedra angular
- Educação empreendedora
- Modelo de Negocios Business modeling