each profile nft has a follow module, profile nft have a different module for posts, every time we want to create a new one, the logic to submit new values are governance based, we are able to create by the follow relationship.
when liking things, and collecting, we can customize whoâs allowed to collect and like.
the posts are also nfts or a reference to the nft profile, inside there is mappings that are discounted inside the profile, and then the metadata structure, and the follow and collect module operations, we are not able to collect without how does the curating lists work,
what are the profile metadata that makes the most sense at a profile level,
the recommendation engine is going to read the comments and do nlp to understand and recommend.
Can I collect multiple times a profile?
What happens when we do the collect. next time we are going to change the post, then it is not going to reflect inside the profile nft.
to define the relationship between me and the object, the collect means liking, and liking multiple times is for example ive liked this object 3 times.
we have the flexibility from a metadata perspective and we can define the logic of how things are going to iteract with others.
the recommendation engine needs to know the root of where itâs starting and then the path in the graph inside the lenst network. the lens contracts are combining follow, collect, and its an entry point.
What do we do with the follow module, collect module, and the metadata? Whatâs going to be new, and what to think and represent.
Talk to the lens team, and ask if we can create new modules from the api and call from the api.
in the testnet there is no witelisting.
based on the strength of the relationship of each node in the graph, we can agree on the metadata and go from there.