Realm of ideas.
• Ideal Beauty: Plato posited that beauty in the material world is a reflection of a higher, ideal form of beauty that exists in the realm of ideas.
On Success
Use failure as an stepping stone to achievement while others use it as an alibi for not producing results.
One of the most effective devices to drift in life is failure.
The majority of people begins to drift once they meet opposition. And not one out of 10,000 will keep on trying after failing two or three times. This requires Fortitude
Failure breaks down ones morale, destroy self-confidence, subdues enthusiasm, dulls imagination and drives away definiteness of purpose.
Without these qualities no one can succeed in any undertaking.
This same quality is the chief asset of every man who attains outstanding success in any calling.
Search accurately into the lives of men and women who achieve enduring success and you will find without exception that their success has been an exact proportion to the extent that they surmounted failure.
Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success. There is virtue in failure. Failure is a virtue only when it does not lead one to quit trying and begin drifting.
The seed will not germinate and grow under the influence of a drifter. It springs to life only in the hands of one that recognizes that most failures are only temporary defeat and who never accepts defeat as an excuse for drifting.
Protection against Drifting
Bribes → Things that people most want
These are the best bribes
- Love
- The thirst for sex expression
- Covetousness for money
- The obsessive desire to gain something for nothing
- Gambling
- Vanity in women
- Egotism in men
- Desire to be the master of others
- desire for intoxicants and narcotics
- Desire for self-expressing through words and deeds
- Desire to imitate others
- desire for the perpetuation of life after death
- Desire to be a hero
- desire for physical food
Through some combination of these bribes the devil can enter the mind of any human being at will at any age from birth until death.
If the victim converts his desire for money into large sums, the devil starts over feeding him with the things he can buy with. For example: He causes the person to stuff himself with rich foods. This slows down his thinking capacity, endangers his heart and starts him on the road to drifting. Then he uses other follies to induce him to pick up that lead to drifting. If the victim is a male the devil can usually snare him through his sex appetite. Overindulgence in sex starts more men to drifting towards failure than all other causes combined. Food, sex, gambling, liquor and desire for money.
The non drifter resembles a fish that steals a bait from the hook but refuses to take the hook.
The non-drifter takes from life whatever he wants, but he takes on his own terms.
The drifter takes whatever he can get, but he takes what he gets on the devils terms.
This is how the devil works
He bribes the victim through the natural desires and bribes them to become drifters if they respond to the lure. If they refuse to respond he plants the seeds to misfortune and hog-tie them while they are down.
bye thanks